Sunday, December 26, 2010

One Piece Gigant Battle Walkthrough - Enies Lobby/Skypiea

Sky Island Battle!! (Battle Lv14)
1. KO opponent supportive character once. - Unlock Enel!!
2. do not fall. - Beli!
3. hit opponent supportive characater once. - Unlock New Stage!!
4. bingo defense. - Beli!

Blast off to Sky! Come burst wind!! (Battle Lv15)
1. clear stage remain of 50% HP. - Unlock New Stage!!
2. KO opponent supportive character once. - Beli!
3. KO opponent supportive character twice. - Beli!
4. clear stage remain of 75% HP. - Unlock Special Event!!

Light of Shandra!! (Battle Lv16)
1. get 2 or more points. - n/a
2. get 4 or more points. - Beli!
3. get 6 or more points. - Beli!
4. special attack KO. - Beli!

Giant Enemy! (Battle Lv17)
1. do not fall. - Beli!
2. bingo defense twice. - Beli!
3. clear stage with Chopper. - Beli!

Battle Enies Lobby! (Battle Lv22)
1. attack opponent supportive character. - Beli!
2. clear stage with Usopp. - Unlock Spamdam!!
3. KO opponent supportive character thrice. - Beli!

Bartholowmew Kuma, Seven Warlords of the Sea! (Battle Lv23)
1. clear stage with Zoro. - n/a
2. clear stage with remaining of 30% HP. - Beli!
3. special attack KO. - Unlock Bartholomew Kuma!!

Cu Chi is in anger!! (Battle Lv18)
1. clear stage with Sanji. - n/a
2. bingo defense twice. - Beli!
3. special attack KO. - Beli!

Sorry to be born!! (Battle Lv18)
1. clear with Usopp, Perona. - n/a
2. use Perona once. - Beli!
3. use Perona twice. - Unlock Perona!!

Admiral Genreral, Aojiki!! (Battle Lv28)
1. clear stage. - Unlock Aojiki!!
2. 3rd special attack KO once. - Beli!
3. clear stage with Kizaru. - Beli!

VS Meat-Lust Pirate!! (Battle Lv15)
1. get four meat. - Beli!
2. get five meat. - Beli!
3. get six meat. - Beli!
4. get seven meat. - Unlock New Stage!!

Person's dream, will never end!! (Battle Lv19)
1. clear stage with Luffy, Zoro, Nami. - n/a
2. KO opponent supportive character once. - Unlock Dr.Q!!
3. special attack KO. - Beli!

フェッフェッフェッバトル!! (Battle Lv17)
1. clear stage with Usopp, Foxy. - n/a
2. KO with item box once. - Beli!
3. use supportive character twice. - Unlock Foxy!!

Meteor Fist Shower!! (Battle Lv19)
1. clear stage within 30 second. - Beli!
2. fall once. - n/a
3. clear stage with Usopp. - Unlock Special Event!!

Come out, Straw Hat Crew!! (Battle Lv24)
1. get 4 or more points. - Beli!
2. get 6 or more points. - Beli!
3. KO opponent during wanpisuhito(A+B+Y+X) - Beli!
4. special attack KO. - Unlock Special Event!!

ダラけきった正義!! (Battle Lv25)
1. clear stage with Luffy, Robin. - n/a
2. clear stage with remaining HP of 50%. - Beli!
3. KO opponent during wanpisuhito (A+B+Y+X). - Beli!

One Piece Gigant Battle Walkthrough

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